SQA Career Development Session at SQAT

Sharmin Khan Urmi Daffodil International Academy (DIA) has been organized a special and prestigious Bootcamp called “Software Quality Assurance Testing”, to bring Industry-Academia together for setting a standard in order to develop experts on Software Testing to meet the industry needs of Bangladesh. There are more than 100 reasons why you should attend and maybe … More SQA Career Development Session at SQAT

A/B Testing

Yet A/B testing is still not as common as such Internet marketing subjects as SEO, Web analytics, and usability. People just aren’t as aware of it. They don’t completely understand what it is or how it could benefit them or how they should use it. but still, A lot of savvy marketers and designs are … More A/B Testing

Web Testing:

Let’s have first web testing checklist. 1) Functionality Testing 2) Usability testing 3) Interface testing 4) Compatibility testing 5) Performance testing 6) Security testing 1) Functionality Testing: Test for – all the links in web pages, database connection, forms used in the web pages for submitting or getting information from the user, Cookie testing. Check … More Web Testing:

Test Strategy for WEB plus Mobile Application Testing

Testing process: The scope of the testing depends on a number of requirements to be checked or the extent of changes made to the app. If the changes are few, a round of sanity testing will do. In case of major and/or complex changes, a full regression is recommended. For Mobile Application: Step #1. Identify … More Test Strategy for WEB plus Mobile Application Testing

Types of Mobile Testing

There are 2 kinds of testing that take place on mobile devices: #1. Hardware testing: The device including the internal processors, internal hardware, screen sizes, resolution, space or memory, camera, radio, Bluetooth, WIFI etc. This is sometimes referred to as, simple “Mobile Testing”. #2. Software testing: The applications that work on mobile devices and their … More Types of Mobile Testing